October 26, 2010

July 2010!

He asked what letters went here and I told him!  He's doing so well at writing!  I LOVE his "E"s

Photos courtesy to Brayden!  He's RIGHT up in her face!

"Helping with laundry"  taking a poo break!  Oh yeah, I snapped away!

 takes some work!

Still hasn't got this down yet!

 I am in LOVE with this one!

 Giving herself kisses!

 Can't wait to edit these!!  I rented some lenses for a wedding and was trying them out on my kiddos!  (used on the ones above for Sydney!)

Beach trip - July 20th, 2010
I can't wait to edit these either!!! ;)

 She LOVES cold water!

 Sydney's first trip!

 the river water was warm and it was about 70 degrees this day! Score!!